Monday, December 19, 2011

Cookie Making Extravaganza!

After practice last Saturday, the ASC girls got together with the Sugar Bowl girls, and we had a cookie making fiesta! It was a ton of fun, and we made some pretty sweet creations, if I may say so myself. The cookies turned out delicious, but making them was truly the best part. It was great to see everyone come together for an afternoon off of the ski trails, and enjoy some laughs while getting into the Christmas spirit. (Not to mention, getting away from the boys, who had a day of their own and saw Sherlock Holmes in the theater!) Thanks for a fun day girls! :)

-- Coach Kara

Coach Kara is stoked on the Christmas cookie making!

Bri in concentration mode.

Celia and Sena show of their creations!

So many beautiful cookies!

Hard at work!

Laurel and Melanie creating their masterpieces!

Nice work girls!

Savannah shows off "Rudolph!"

Happy cookie-makers!

Thanks to SBA's Laurel Fiddler, daughter of the amazing ASC coach and clinician Nancy Fiddler, for these great photos!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boca Classic Rollerski Time Trial

Well, the skiing is limited due to lack of snow, but that isn't stopping our skiers from preparing for the season ahead! On Saturday, they proved just how serious they are about having a stellar season, and the shape they're already in. Numerous ASC comp and devo skiers met up with Sugar Bowl Academy, Far West Farm Team members and UNR Winter Sports Club members to tackle a 5-kilometer classic rollerski time trial at Boca. Typically we are on our rollerskis at Boca in the summer and fall, under warm, sunny skies. But Saturday was anything but warm, with temps in the chilly teens as the races got underway. But the athletes didn't seem to be phased by the weather, pushing to the limit and giving it their all on the 5k course, which ended with a long, tough climb. Above all, the time trial gave us a chance to push hard, open up our lungs and legs, get an awesome workout, and get our "racing" feet wet to gauge our readiness for the ski races ahead.

Saturday's results are as follows:

Alec Wiltz (SBA) 15:50
Wyatt Feredey (FWFT/UNRWSC) 17:31
Michael Collins (FWFT) 17:47
Dylan Syben (ASC) 17:49
Sam Zabell (SBA) 17:54
Patrick McElravey (ASC) 18:03
Alex Kopytko (ASC) 18:19
Brandon Herhusky (ASC) 19:28
er Carroll (SBA) 19:55
Joe Piercy (SBA) 20:27
Evan Vomund (ASC) 20:56
Brandon Deeter (ASC) 21:55
Joe Rodriquez (UNRWSC) 21:59
Skyler Mullings (SBA) 22:06
Eli (ASC) 23:37
Jeff Stein (ASC) 23:39
Aaron Deeter (ASC) 24:45
Brandon Flora (ASC) 29:00 (sans pole tips!)

Kara LaPoint (FWFT) 18:38
Cassidy Cichowicz (SBA) 19:12
Katrin Larusson (SBA) 19:45
Joelle Romo (SBA) 21:00
Hannah Halverson (ASC) 22:21
Savannah Blide (SBA) 22:49
Danielle Nivinski (SBA) 24:01
Camille Hartley (SBA) 24:48
Kelly Habibi (SBA) 25:45

Friday, October 28, 2011

Boca Double Pole Time Trial

Once again, ASC athletes met up with those from SBA this week to challenge themselves to a time trial, to test their fitness as the ski season quickly approaches. This time, the athletes did another Boca Double Pole Time Trial. ASC athletes included Brandon H. and Bri P., both veterans of this time trial course, and Brandon F., Eli Y. and Hannah H., all first-timers to the tough uphill double pole test. The performances were strong for both squads, with numerous personal records, including Bri and Brandon H., who each took significant time off of their previous PRs. Our first-timers proved that not only could they conquer the tough event, but they made it look easy in the process. Way to go guys! If these time trial challenges are in fact a strong indication of our fitness, we are in for an awesome ski season ahead!

Full results are as follows:

Alec W. (SBA) 7:43
Sam Z. (SBA) 9:19
Peter C. (SBA) 9:26
Joe P. (SBA) 9:46
Brandon H. (ASC) 10:06
Skyler M. (SBA) 11:11
Brandon F. (ASC) 12:13
Eli Y. (ASC) 14:41

Cassidy C. (SBA) 9:17
Katrin L. (SBA) 9:57
Laurel F. (SBA) 10:26
Kara L. (ASC coach) 10:33
Joelle R. (SBA) 11:37
Hannah H. (ASC) 12:12
Danielle N. (SBA) 12:27
Savannah B. (SBA) 13:58
Camille H. (SBA) 14:15
Kelly H. (SBA) 14:20
Bri P. (ASC) 16:06

Annnd.... though some of you have probably already seen it, with winter fast approaching, I thought this was a good video to resurface, on "cross country snowboarding." It's a great laugh, check it out!

--Coach Kara

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Very Strong Effort in a Very Tough Event

Last week several ASC athletes joined up with SBA to take on the Drifter, or Negro Canyon, Uphill Time Trial. This is a TOUGH 1.25 mile uphill run that doesn't let up until you've reached the summit. Let's just say, I was glad I was only cheering! :)

Many ASC athletes have done this time trial numerous times, so each time is a chance to test their improvement as they continue training. But even as a first-timer, as the majority of Thursday's ASC participants were, the time trial is still a great test of fitness, and undoubtedly a hard workout just to finish. While our three first-timers, Brandon F., Eli Y. and Dylan S. each recorded their first time in the event, all turned in very strong performances. And our lone returner on the day, Brandon H., turned in an impressively big PR, dropping more than a minute off of his previous best time!

Depending on conditions, the athletes may get another chance at this grueling test -- though if they're lucky they won't (because this means we'll be on snow!!). But even if they don't, Thursday's results will provide a positive and encouraging end to this time trial series for the year.

Full results:

Jeff S. (SBA coach) 13:05
Peter C. (SBA) 13:06
Sam Z. (ASC) 13:10
Dylan S. (ASC) 13:32
Brandon H. (ASC) 13:39
Ambrose T. (SBA coach) 13:54
Eli Y. (ASC) 14:17
Joe P. (SBA) 16:07
Brandon F. (ASC) 16:21

Nancy F. (ASC coach) 13:07
Danielle N. (SBA) 13:55
Cassidy C. (SBA) 14:02
Mary Ellen B. (coach) 14:14
Laurel F. (SBA) 14:48
Joelle R. (SBA) 16:01
Savannah B. (SBA) 17:54
Kelly H. (SBA) 19:35
Bria R. (SBA) 20:51

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thank You Dr. Pasternak!

Last week, a few fortunate Auburn Ski Club athletes, along with Sugar Bowl Academy, were afforded the opportunity to take part in in-the-field lactate testing provided by Dr. Andy Pasternak of Silver Sage Sports Performance Center in Reno.

In this test, athletes skate rollerskied at perceived exertion levels of 1 through 4, and their corresponding lactate levels (the amount of lactic acid being produced by their muscles) were tested and recorded, along with their heart rates and interval times. This will help the athletes to be able to know understand their training levels during regular training (i.e. how hard they should be going for a particular type of workout), and also give them a base to see how their ability to produce and flush lactic acid improves as they continue to train.

Dr. Pasternak was kind enough to donate his time and resources for the benefit of our athletes, and it is much appreciated. Dr. Pasternak has long been a strong supporter of the Auburn Ski Club and Far West Nordic, as well as a racer himself, and he has proven over and over again to be a tremendous asset to our Nordic community. Thank you Andy!

--Coach Kara

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wet And Wild Fun...

As of late, the ASC athletes have been through a few pretty wet and wild workouts, including a muddy puddle-filled run/mountain bike on the Emigrant Trail in Truckee, and a snow-filled mountain bike (run for me!) from Spooner Summit up to Marlette Lake and across the Flume Trail. But no matter what the elements have given them, the athletes have continued to push hard, and kept a smile on their faces. Check out some photos from some of our latest adventures!

Ben and SBA's Peter C. atop the "chimney" at Marlette Lake.

A wild ride down the snow!

Taking a break amongst the snow up at Marlette Lake!

Who needs a kickstand when you've got snow to hold your bike..?!

Brandon gets a little dirty!

Into the sunshine, and onto the views!

More sunshine, views and fast riding from the Flume Trail!

It was worth the push to the top!

Riding through the trees, which say it's NOT winter yet!

When it's this steep, through the snow, sometimes you gotta PUSH!

Taking a well-earned break at the top after 5 miles of hard climbing.


SBA's Joelle smiling en route to Marlette Lake.

ASC's Hannah flying down the Emigrant Trail.

Hannah crosses the bridge on Emigrant.

--Coach Kara

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Enjoying Our First Ski!

Check out some super fun video from our first ski of the season in two feet of fresh powder on Oct. 6th, compiled by Stacey Herhusky (Brandon's mom!), at the following link:

--Coach Kara

Friday, October 7, 2011

Back On Our Stomping Grounds!

The last time our ASC athletes were on snow together was the beginning of July.... until yesterday, October 6th, when we got to soak up the bliss of two feet of powder up at ASC.

So, that means that for only TWO months this year did the athletes go without real, actual skiing -- on snow; without wheels. Can you say LUCKY???!

While the vast range of off-snow conditioning techniques afforded to cross country skiers certainly are crucial and have their advantages, the importance of skiing on snow simply can't be overstated. I mean, you have to run to be able to run, right? Well, same idea here. Specificity is key! So, needless to say, our athletes have been hugely fortunate this year to have had such an extended spring (and summer!) ski season, and now to be on snow again in early October. I think it's safe to say that the majority of juniors in the United States have not had a similar opportunity.

Who knows what will happen next, and how long the white stuff will stick around, so we're certainly not out of dryland training mode just yet. Nonetheless, the first snow is always exciting, and even more so is the first ski -- especially when it comes so early. Thursday's workout was simply a reminder of how much we love our sport -- a little teaser of what is yet to come. While we made our own tracks, and undoubtedly showed that it is tough to have good technique while tromping through two feet of fresh powder, we got out there, and we did our sport in its purest form; no modified version. We did what we love. And we had a blast!

Regardless of what the weather Gods have in store for us, we're prepped and ready to continue working hard and fine-tuning our bodies as we draw nearer and nearer to performance time. And now, more than ever, we are totally psyched up for the season ahead!

--Coach Kara

(A belated photo of Brandon and Julien post-Boca-double-pole-TT)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Putting Ourselves to the Test

Last week, three ASC athletes -- Julien B., Brandon H. and Bri P. -- met up with athletes from the Sugar Bowl Academy Nordic team for a double-pole time trial at Boca Reservoir.

The Boca DP time trial is one we try to do at least a few times a year to gauge or progress throughout our summer/fall training seasons. It is a fairly short but tough course, so the athletes must push themselves to the limit in order to make it up the long hill without kicking, and turn in a fast time. This time trial tests our specific strength, speed, efficiency and strength endurance, as well as our mental toughness.

In this case, each of the ASC athletes were attempting this time trial for their first time last week, so they did not have prior times to compare their performances to, but will now have a base for doing so. Nonetheless, I was really pleased with the athletes' performances in their first effort up the tough hill, alongside many veterans of the test. Additionally, several SBA athletes turned in personal best times, showing that the region as a whole is on the rise, and a great season of skiing lies ahead for all our athletes!

Results are as follows:


Alec Wiltz: 7:59
Joe Piercy: 9:28
Sam Zabell: 9:36
er Carroll: 10:09
Ambrose Tuscano: 10:20
Julien Bordes (ASC): 10:23
Brandon Herhusky (ASC): 10:56

Cassidy Cichowicz: 9:32
Katrin Larusson: 10:03
Bria Riggs: 10:42
Laurel Fiddler: 11:15
Joelle Romo: 12:39
Danielle Nivinski: 13:13
Savannah Blide 13:42
Camille Hartley: 14:09
Kelly Habibi: 16:01
Bri Parker (ASC): 18.57

--Coach Kara

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pushing Through The Seasons

Though we had a blast, and put in lots of work, it seems summer came and went much too quickly this year (perhaps due to the fact that we still had snow for the first several weeks...?!). Many of our summer athletes are now busy challenging themselves with other sports, from soccer to cross country running, to tennis and mountain biking. It is great to see so many athletes staying active and continuing to work hard through the change of seasons. This cross training will undoubtedly help them maintain the strong base they built up through their summer and carry their competitive momentum into ski season.

Still other athletes have chosen to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to ski training this fall, continuing a routine of ski-specific training five to six days per week. Since school started, ASC comp and devo team athletes have put in numerous hours on rollerskis (specificity becomes even more crucial as winter draws nearer); skiwalking; running -- up mountains, along rivers, over rolling singletracks -- wherever!; strength training -- through core strength, plyos, specific strength work... and more! These athletes have trained through the heat, wind, rain and even hail. So far, their work this fall has been extremely impressive, and is evident in their marked improvements.

A small group of ASC devo athletes -- Julien B., Dylan S., Brandon H., Patrick M. and Bri P. -- joined up with Mammoth's Connor K. for a weekend camp at Camp Richardson in South Tahoe earlier this month, and it was a fabulous, jam-packed trip! I had a blast leading the group through our series of adventures, which included running near beautiful Fallen Leaf Lake and along the South Shore's bike path system; classic rollerskiing; hiking to the summit of Mt. Tallac; hanging out on a beautiful beach; both being rained on and having our camp rained on while we were away -- sans rain flies for some of us!; cooking (and eating!) delicious camp food; and, of course, lots and lots of laughs!

Fun memories were made for sure, but so was a lot of progress in just two-and-a-half days. Each athlete pushed themselves to new heights, at their own pace, as several "firsts" and "furthersts" were achieved, from Connor's first rollerski (which he dominated!), to Dylan, Julien and Brandon's first trip all the way up to the top of Blackwood Canyon on rollerskis; to both Connor and Bri's longest run ever; to nearly everyone's first trip up Mt. Tallac; and to Patrick's longest run, rollerski and hike all in the same weekend! I was really proud of impressed with not only the work everyone put in, but the attitudes they showed while doing it. Each athlete embraced the camp experience and found a way to challenge themselves throughout the weekend's activities. And, for the most part, it seemed to be enjoyable! (Or maybe I'm just being delusional?! :)

At any rate, it was a great weekend, and a great way to wrap up the summer and kick off the fall. And before we know it, we'll be wrapped up in the kickoff to winter. Did anyone else see reports on snow in the forecast next weekend..?!?!

-- Coach Kara

Our final workout of the summer. Mt. Judah.

Patrick makes his way up Mt. Tallac.

Bri makes her way up Mt. Tallac.

Pit-stop on the way up Mt. Tallac.

Making our way back down the mountain.

Yes, Dylan hiked all the way up Mt. Tallac with this big bag of cheezits.

Made it to the summit - just in time for rain!

About halfway up...

Bri and Ben make their way up Blackwood Canyon, despite the rain.

Dylan and Bri at Blackwood Canyon, practicing their double-pole.

Monday, September 26, 2011

ASC "Summer Biathlon"

Auburn Ski Club hosted its annual Chuck Lyda Memorial Summer Biathlon yesterday, and as a spectator, I must say it was quite the event to watch! In a "summer biathlon," athletes run around a lap course and shoot at targets in between each lap. For every target missed out of five, contestants must run a 50m penalty loop. Saturday's event featured two separate races: a 3-mile "novice" race, in which contestants ran three 1-mile loops, with a stop at the shooting range between each; and a 5-mile "pro" race, where contestants ran five laps of the 1-mile course and stopped to shoot between each -- two times laying down, and two standing up.

Having only tried shooting once before back when I was a junior at a biathlon practice day at ASC (and having little success!), I was super impressed by how well everyone did in the shooting range. Their focus and concentration were readily apparent, as was their skill in staying steady and bringing their heart rates down after pushing the pace on the run. This is all a part of what makes biathlon so neat to watch: how so many aspects must come together to create the optimal race. I'm looking forward to trying it out next year!

In the junior female's novice race, Sugar Bowl Academy's Laurel Fiddler took top honors with some fast running, followed by Megan McCandless and Katrin Larusson. Among the males, UNR freshman Joe Rodrigues placed first, followed by SBA's Sam Zabell, who hit nine of his 10 targets, and ASC's own Dylan Syben in third.

Among adults racing the novice distance, Kim Field turned in the fastest time for the women, while Paul Barnes took top honors for the men. And in the pro race, ASC's Raylene Chew turned in a strong performance as the lone woman in the field. Phil Viollet won the men's race with some solid shooting and fast running, followed by junior Jordan McElroy.

Full results can be found online at