Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Putting Ourselves to the Test

Last week, three ASC athletes -- Julien B., Brandon H. and Bri P. -- met up with athletes from the Sugar Bowl Academy Nordic team for a double-pole time trial at Boca Reservoir.

The Boca DP time trial is one we try to do at least a few times a year to gauge or progress throughout our summer/fall training seasons. It is a fairly short but tough course, so the athletes must push themselves to the limit in order to make it up the long hill without kicking, and turn in a fast time. This time trial tests our specific strength, speed, efficiency and strength endurance, as well as our mental toughness.

In this case, each of the ASC athletes were attempting this time trial for their first time last week, so they did not have prior times to compare their performances to, but will now have a base for doing so. Nonetheless, I was really pleased with the athletes' performances in their first effort up the tough hill, alongside many veterans of the test. Additionally, several SBA athletes turned in personal best times, showing that the region as a whole is on the rise, and a great season of skiing lies ahead for all our athletes!

Results are as follows:


Alec Wiltz: 7:59
Joe Piercy: 9:28
Sam Zabell: 9:36
er Carroll: 10:09
Ambrose Tuscano: 10:20
Julien Bordes (ASC): 10:23
Brandon Herhusky (ASC): 10:56

Cassidy Cichowicz: 9:32
Katrin Larusson: 10:03
Bria Riggs: 10:42
Laurel Fiddler: 11:15
Joelle Romo: 12:39
Danielle Nivinski: 13:13
Savannah Blide 13:42
Camille Hartley: 14:09
Kelly Habibi: 16:01
Bri Parker (ASC): 18.57

--Coach Kara

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