Monday, October 24, 2011

A Very Strong Effort in a Very Tough Event

Last week several ASC athletes joined up with SBA to take on the Drifter, or Negro Canyon, Uphill Time Trial. This is a TOUGH 1.25 mile uphill run that doesn't let up until you've reached the summit. Let's just say, I was glad I was only cheering! :)

Many ASC athletes have done this time trial numerous times, so each time is a chance to test their improvement as they continue training. But even as a first-timer, as the majority of Thursday's ASC participants were, the time trial is still a great test of fitness, and undoubtedly a hard workout just to finish. While our three first-timers, Brandon F., Eli Y. and Dylan S. each recorded their first time in the event, all turned in very strong performances. And our lone returner on the day, Brandon H., turned in an impressively big PR, dropping more than a minute off of his previous best time!

Depending on conditions, the athletes may get another chance at this grueling test -- though if they're lucky they won't (because this means we'll be on snow!!). But even if they don't, Thursday's results will provide a positive and encouraging end to this time trial series for the year.

Full results:

Jeff S. (SBA coach) 13:05
Peter C. (SBA) 13:06
Sam Z. (ASC) 13:10
Dylan S. (ASC) 13:32
Brandon H. (ASC) 13:39
Ambrose T. (SBA coach) 13:54
Eli Y. (ASC) 14:17
Joe P. (SBA) 16:07
Brandon F. (ASC) 16:21

Nancy F. (ASC coach) 13:07
Danielle N. (SBA) 13:55
Cassidy C. (SBA) 14:02
Mary Ellen B. (coach) 14:14
Laurel F. (SBA) 14:48
Joelle R. (SBA) 16:01
Savannah B. (SBA) 17:54
Kelly H. (SBA) 19:35
Bria R. (SBA) 20:51

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