After practice last Saturday, the ASC girls got together with the Sugar Bowl girls, and we had a cookie making fiesta! It was a ton of fun, and we made some pretty sweet creations, if I may say so myself. The cookies turned out delicious, but making them was truly the best part. It was great to see everyone come together for an afternoon off of the ski trails, and enjoy some laughs while getting into the Christmas spirit. (Not to mention, getting away from the boys, who had a day of their own and saw Sherlock Holmes in the theater!) Thanks for a fun day girls! :)
-- Coach Kara

Coach Kara is stoked on the Christmas cookie making!

Bri in concentration mode.

Celia and Sena show of their creations!

So many beautiful cookies!

Hard at work!

Laurel and Melanie creating their masterpieces!

Nice work girls!

Savannah shows off "Rudolph!"

Happy cookie-makers!

Thanks to SBA's Laurel Fiddler, daughter of the amazing ASC coach and clinician Nancy Fiddler, for these great photos!
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