Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lots and LOTS of Rollerskiing!!

In ski training -- as with just about any sport, getting specific is the key to success. While we use training techniques such as running, hiking, biking and strength to help us improve our general fitness and give us a training "base," adding in ski-specific activities like rollerskiing, specific strength and skiwalking/bounding are what are really going to make the difference between a prepared and non-prepared athlete when we get out on the snow. Rollerskiing especially enables us to train all of our ski-specific muscles in the same motions as we would on skis, as well as work on our technique during the off-season. The ASC athletes have been putting in some really quality hours on their rollerskis these last few weeks (as the summer progresses, skiers should be increasing their specificity), and it is really starting to show. Their classic and skate techniques are getting fine-tuned, they are getting quicker and stronger with their movements, and they are able to ski longer and harder. Check out some video from some of our latest sessions, along with some photos. Grrr.... The site does not seem to be feeling cooperative with uploading video tonight. May be my internet connection. I will try again tomorrow, because these videos are SUPAH SWEET! :) But for now, here are some photos of the devo crew gettin' their ski on. -Coach Kara

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