Good Morning!
It looks like a beautiful day to head off for a four-day excursion of training, camping, friends and fun!
That is precisely what some of us will be doing this weekend, as a portion of our Auburn Ski Club athletes and coaches -- myself included -- will be on our way to June Lake in a few short hours to meet up with other juniors from throughout the Far West region for one of our annual summer training camps.
On the menu will be rollerskiing, running, hiking, strength, swimming, climbing, s'mores, star gazing, tent pitching, and more. It's going to be a blast!
Meanwhile, back at home, those who couldn't make the trip will have some fun of their own, with another long adventure hike at Shirley Canyon, some rollerskiing, running and strength, and a chance to GO HARD! with some short running intervals.
Either way, it's going to be an awesome end of the week/weekend and a great opportunity to make some strides toward becoming a better athlete.
So far this week, the comp and Truckee devo athletes put in some hard work with skiwalking intervals at Squaw Valley; the Tahoe City devoers turned in their longest distance run to date, and the comp team got in some skate rollerskiing and some strength work on Wednesday. Look out skiers! We are on a roll!...
An update and some fun photos will no doubt be in store for you all on Monday, but in the meantime, please keep in mind that we are still looking for volunteers for the Squaw Valley Mountain Run on Aug. 6th. This is a fundraiser for our junior skiers, and also a really cool day! Please come out and help, cheer, or take on the mountain yourself! I've done it a few times, and trust me, once you are able to breathe again, it really is quite the reward at the top! See for details, or email to find out more about how you can help (no special skills are needed!).
Enjoy the weekend and get outside!
:) Coach Kara
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